Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

There are two classes in Year 6. 2NA are taught by Miss Ahmed; 2EP are taught by Miss Payne. Mrs Weston, Mrs Cann and Mrs Maciaszek work with us.

Autumn Term

During the first half term we will be focusing on the whole school topic ‘This is Me’. This will be followed by the next topic ‘My Place, My Time’, which will have a history and geography focus.

In writing lessons, we will be focusing on the reactivation of our knowledge of the different clause types and how we can vary them within our writing. We will be using this to create a setting description based on the story of ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’.

In maths lessons, we will be beginning the year developing our place value knowledge and then applying the understanding as we start revisiting addition and subtraction topics. We will be exploring a variety of different reasoning techniques to deepen our understanding of what we have learnt.

In reading lessons, we will be using the texts from ‘Comprehension Express’ to develop and further our retrieval and inference skills in order to provide reasoned explanations to a range of comprehension questions. Within our class reading for pleasure, both 2NA and 2EP will be reading ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S Lewis.

Within our wider curriculum…

As geographers, we will be exploring different biomes found across the world alongside how plants and animals have adapted to live within these environments. We will also be discussing how climate zones depend on a region’s position in relation to the Equator.

As historians, we will be learning about the reign of King John and his relation to the significant development and introduction of Magna Carta. We will use primary and secondary sources to explore the portrayals and perspectives of King John and how these would have impacted how history has been recorded.

In DT lessons, we are exploring the origins and significance of pasties during WWII. We will be designing and creating our own tasty pasties with the aim of using ingredients from each of the main food groups.

In art lessons, we will be exploring the work of Sir John Tenniel and building upon our drawing techniques to include perspective and proportion.

Within Science lessons, we will be learning about the circulatory system and the functions of our internal organs. We will also be exploring how lifestyles can be impacted by external factors such as smoking, and drugs.


In Year 6, we have swimming on a Tuesday and P.E. on a Friday.

Useful information

Homework will be handed out every Friday and due back in and completed by the following Wednesday.

Home reading – it is the expectation that children read at least three times a week. These will be checked on a Wednesday and Friday.

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