Welcome to Year 5

There are two classes in Year 5. 2DR taught by Mr Ryan and 2AS taught by Miss Squire. Mrs Hussain and Miss Preece work with us.
Spring Term
During the Spring term we will be learning about:
As Geographers this term, we will be learning about different natural disasters. We will understand the causes of hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. We will then try to understand the scale of the impact this has on both human and physical features. We will learn about key natural disasters throughout history.
As artists this term the focus will be on developing our Montage skills. During the unit, we will be improving our technique and control when cutting and layering different images. Gary Hoang will be our key artist for the unit, and, ultimately, we will be producing a photomontage in the style of Hoang.
As writers this term we are writing a promotional leaflet about our residential trip to Llanrug. The focus of our writing will be varied sentence structure including parenthesis, relative clauses and subordinate clauses.
As scientists this term we will be studying Earth and Space. Children will learn about our solar system and try to gain an understanding about how space impacts our everyday life. Why do we have day and night? Why do we have different seasons? How can we prove the Earth is round?
As athletes this term we will be developing our swimming skills focusing on front crawl, back stroke and being able to get out of the water safely.
In Year 5, we have P.E on a Tuesday morning as we will be taking the children swimming.
Please ensure all children have the correct equipment for swimming including a hair band to tie back their hair, if necessary.
Year 5 have their Llanrug assembly on Friday 7th February. During this assembly children will talk about their experience at Llanrug and we will share photos taken during the trip.
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