Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

There are two classes in Year 2, 1HH taught by Mrs Hussain and Mr Hill and 1HT taught by Miss Hoare and Mrs Train. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Docherty, Mrs Lee, Miss Gaskell, Mrs Traves and Mrs Coombes. We enjoy taking our learning outside the classroom and exploring our nature area. Across the Year we will be applying what we have learnt in Year 1 and building upon it.

Autumn Term – This is me!

In Maths, will develop our understanding of place value with numbers to 100  and develop methods in which to solve addition and subtraction calculations. We will also apply our skills to mathematical problems.

As writers we will write descriptions and stories based on Silly Billy by Anthony Browne. We will also use the text  Little Red Riding Hood to link our Geography map skills and develop our sentence structure, including  writing consistently in the past tense and expanded noun phrases.

As readers we will continue to develop our Phonics and work towards being more fluent readers. Our key Author for the Autumn term is Anthony Browne, we will be exploring his stories within our reading and writing sessions and during our Class DEAR time.

Little Red Riding Hood (My First Fairy Tales): Alperin, Mara,  Schauer, Loretta: 9781848956841: Books

In Science, we will be learning about living things and their habitats. We will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. We will also identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats and discover how they provide for their basic needs.


In Year 2, we have P.E on a Tuesday and Thursday.

In Dance we will be looking at moving around a space in different ways, matching movements to music and using a stimulus such as a picture or object to inspire a dance.  

We will also be developing our sending and aiming techniques and applying them during team games.


DEAR Time Inspire –

Useful Links

Useful Information

P.E. – Dance is on a Tuesday afternoon and multi-skills on a Thursday afternoon, so please ensure that your child has their named P.E. kit, along with pumps or trainers in school for Tuesdays and Thursdays. 


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