Welcome to Year 1

We are taught by Mrs Deans in 1CD and Mrs Silkstone in 1AS, with help from Mrs Zota and Miss Bashir.
Autumn Term – This is me!
In Maths, will develop our understanding of place value with numbers to 20 and develop methods to solve simple addition sums and find our Number Bonds within 10. We will begin to think about one more and one less. We will count forwards and backwards using a number line.
In Talk 4 Writing we will learn to retell the story ‘Not Not Bernard’ by David McKee, we will use our excellent phonic skills to write a new version of the story, changing the characters: Bernard and the monster. When doing this, we will ensure we include our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

As Scientists we will learn about animals including humans. We will also look at the human body, label the basic parts and explore our senses.
In P.E we are learning how to dance. During this unit, we will master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities . We will express our feelings and emotions through movement and perform dances using simple movement patterns.
Spring Term- Around the World
In T4W: This term we will be using our key text ‘Be Brave little penguin’ by Giles Andreae to write a character description using adjectives and conjunctions. After this, we will be reading the non-fiction text ‘Antarctica’ by Helen Cowcher to create a fact file about Emperor penguins.

In Maths we will continue to build on our knowledge of number between 0-20, we will secure our knowledge in number bonds to 10 and further develop our skills of addition and subtraction.
Art: In art this term we are learning all about a collage artist named Megan Coyle. during this unit, we will revisit our knowledge of sketching and experiment with collaging to create a collage of an aerial view of Antarctica.

In Geography we will be learning all about the weather and seasonal changes that occur in Winter and Spring. We will find out about the differences between the North and South Pole and discover if Penguins and Polar Bears can really meet? We will compare Antarctica to the UK and locate the poles on a map.
As Scientists this term we will investigate objects and identify the different materials they are made from. We will identify and name a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock and describe the properties of a variety of everyday materials.
In PE this term we will be continuing with our gymnastics units before moving on to practising our racket and ball skills. We will also be learning how to work together in our Outdoor and Adventure lessons. P.E will be on Monday’s and forest school will be on Friday’s.
Learning at home…
Please log-in to Numbots and practise counting and number recognition:
Please also practise reading the phonics books with your child on Oxford Owl and make sure you are reading your book bag book three times over the week.
Useful Links
Useful Information
We have P.E on a ….. and Forest School on …..