At Hollymount, we want our children to be able to write at length for a range of audiences and purposes, with a positive attitude. Our long term plan, as you can see below, outlines how we write for these purposes over the year, alongside the key text driving the writing. We want them to take on the role of a writer and understand how to fulfil the role successfully using a variety of tools. The “thinking out loud” approach which drives our reading lessons, flows seamlessly into our writing lessons. Hollymount children can approach their writing as readers in order to carefully consider the authorial choices they are making. We believe that our children should be able to talk confidently about their writing in order to discuss their work reflectively and act upon feedback that they have received – as well as giving meaningful feedback to their peers.
Handwriting is a physical skill and in Early Years we provide activities for children which will strengthen their muscles and help to develop hand-eye co-ordination. We teach children the correct letter formation at the same time as they are learning the sounds of letters. Once in Year 2, children will be taught pre-cursive formation in order to facilitate joined handwriting from Year 3 onwards.
Click here to see examples of letter formation
Spelling is taught in KS1 largely through our phonics lessons. As children move into year 2 and then into KS2, different spelling rules are taught in class each week using the RWI spelling scheme. Each year group also has a set of words they must know by the end of their key stage. If you would like to help your child practise these spellings at home, they can be found below.