Reading Ambassadors

Our reading ambassadors are

  • Year 1: Ivanesa and Hollie
  • Year 2: Penny and Bea
  • Year 3: Dante and Agrika
  • Year 4: Lenka and Freddie
  • Year 5: Annabelle and Hollie
  • Year 6: Charlie and Erin

These children were selected by their teachers because they regularly share their love of reading with the rest of the class.  Their roles and responsibilities include keeping their book corners tidy, nominating recommended reads, launching competitions and raising money and running our new school library.

Our school library!

Recommended Reads…

Not Now Bernard – Recommended by Penny (year 2)

Owl Babies – Recommended by Bea (year 2). “I loved this book in year 1 and I still love it now!”

Ratburger – Recommended by Freddie (year 4). “This book is hilarious!”

Recommended by Hollie (year 5). I love this book. “I love Christmas and she has my name!”

Captain Underpants recommended by Freddie (year 4) – they are so funny!

Zog is recommended by Dante (year 3). “I love how hard to dragon tries to learn new things!”

Planet Omar is recommended by Charlie (year 6). “I found these books really interesting and funny at the same time!”

Recommended by Nora (year 1). I love these books because my Daddy reads them to me.
Recommended by Dante (year 3).
Recommended by Erin (year 6).
Recommended by Penny (year 2). They love the adventures that Kirsty and Rachel go on!
Recommended by Bea (year 2) – I love this story. Anthony Browne is our key artist and one of our key authors.
Recommended by Lenka (year 4) – these books are really funny!
Recommended by Annabelle (year 5) – this book is hilarious!
Recommended by Charlie (year 6). “Laughter guaranteed.”

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