Teachers and children at Hollymount School are passionate about mathematics. Through high-quality teaching, we endeavour to provide each child with the opportunity to develop a love for, and reach their potential in this core subject. Mathematics acts as a cornerstone in helping our children become resilient, problem-solvers- not just within the subject- but throughout the curriculum and as individuals.
Our aim is always to provide children with a relational understanding of the different mathematical strands they experience. Although there are many processes involved in the subject and instances where rote learning can support fluency, we believe successful mathematicians are those that have a secure, deep understanding of the many abstract concepts.
During their educational journey at Hollymount, number is a principal focus. We believe children who are proficient with number can better access the wider mathematics curriculum and are equipped with a vital, life-long skill. Successful reasoning is demonstrated when children make educated decisions, reflect on and justify their choices and understand a process. Opportunities for children to reason are always considered in the medium-term planning, right through to the models provided and responsive questions asked by teachers in a lesson.
School policies are in place to support teachers make a positive impact on children’s learning. They help ensure practice is consistent and progressive across classes and year groups. We value our teachers’ skills and experience as individuals and their collaborative work. Although policies are to be adhered to, teachers- using their initiative and professional insight- may decide to provide children with the opportunity to explore alternative methods and representations to deepen understanding.
Secure learning happens when the concrete, visual and abstract are effectively interconnected rather than used in isolation or as part of a linear process. This approach is reflected throughout the school, with resources and representations chosen thoughtfully to help children gain a relational understanding. Children’s books are a place to record, showcase and take ownership of their learning. Furthermore, they act as a reference for discussion and help facilitate self, peer and teacher assessment.
Click here to be directed to The National Curriculum: mathematics programmes of study
Click here to be directed to Development Matters
Click here to be directed to NCETM Progression Maps
Click here to be directed to EYFS White Rose Mathematics
Hollymount School has subscribed to two online educational programmes: Numbots and Times Table Rockstars. These fun, interactive websites will support your child with recall of number facts. Your child has been provided with an individual login and password. Please use these websites to support with learning at home.
Click the logos below to be directed to the websites: