Welcome to Nursery

Hello, we are Nursery!
In Nursery, we are 3 and 4 years old. We love to come to school every day and play with our teachers: Miss Davies, Miss Heywood and Mrs Naweed.

We have a large, indoor area where children love to learn though play in areas dedicated to the key areas of learning. We also have out outdoor area where we can practice our physical skills and learn about the world around us. At Nursery we enjoy singing, dancing, exploring and investigating and getting messy whilst playing and learning inside and out!
We encourage lots of independence at Nursery. Children are supported to take responsibility for their own belongings and develop independence when getting themselves dressed or putting on their own coat or shoes.
On Fridays we do Forest School. Please bring your child in something that you are happy to get dirty. Make sure you pack spare clothes so we can change your child if they get muddy or wet.
Autumn Term – All About Me
This term we are learning all about ourselves. We are discovering and exploring all the different areas of our classroom and are beginning to listen to short stories and join in with familiar songs and rhymes.
We are learning about our likes and dislikes and our families. We will also start to explore our natural environment and observe the changes outdoors as we go into the season of Autumn.
Spring Term – What’s in my World? What’s special about Spring?
In Spring Term we begin to explore the world around us in more detail. In Spring 1 we learn about where we live and where we go to school. We also learn about People Who Help Us in the world around us such as firefighters and doctors. In Spring 2 we learn about the season of Spring and the farm, where we look at signs of Spring and different farm animals. Finally, we will end our Spring Term by exploring the topic of Easter and we will have lots of Easter fun!

For more information about admission to Nursery go to our “admissions” information page Admissions | Hollymount School
Once a child is 3, most families are eligible for 15 hours free child care; some working parents can access 30 hours. To find out more follow the link below.
Funded childcare | Worcestershire County Council
There is also information on the Government site “Childcare Choices.”
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