Growth Mindset Ambassadors

Our Growth Mindset Mentors are…

Year 1: Imogen and Andrei

“When we were practising our kicks and flicks, I was struggling and I got a bit cross. But I kept going and I got it in the end.” Imogen

“I kept trying hard with my reading.” Andrei

Year 2: Amelia and Annabelle

“In English, there were lots of hard words to spell but I kept going I could spell them in the end.” Amelia

“I kept trying with my handwriting.” Annabelle

Year 3: Leah and Sara

“When I was doing tricky maths, I reminded myself that if I keep going it will get easier and easier.” Leah

“I helped my friends when they were stuck. This also helped me at the same time.”

Year 4: Millie and Gabi

“In maths, I kept getting stuck so I missed it out but I came back to it at the end.” Millie

“Sometimes you might have to do things more than once. Practise makes perfect.” Gabi

Year 5: Oliver and Layton

“If you can’t do something, you can develop a growth mindset by continuing to try and not giving up.” Oliver

“I made a couple of mistakes but tried again and I fixed them. This meant that I had learnt a new skill.” Layton

Year 6: Zuzanna and Ingrid

“When I was doing a hard problem in maths, I kept on trying.” Zuzanna

“Every time I get stuck, I remind myself that I don’t do this, no one else is going to do this for me.” Ingrid

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