School attendance lays the vital foundations of a child’s life. To this end, Hollymount seeks to ensure that all its pupils receive a full-time education, suitable to their age, aptitude and ability, which maximises opportunities for each child to realise their potential. To gain the greatest benefit from their time at Hollymount it is vital children attend regularly and on time. We would always encourage pupils to strive for 100% attendance by attending every day the school is in open for instruction, providing they are fit and well enough to do so. In order to support this, we adopt a whole school approach to school attendance and will engage with families to identify, address and overcome barriers to attendance and learning.
We want to provide your children with the best education possible so they are ready for their next phase of learning but can only do this if they are in school every day.
Please see the below chart:

Evidence tells us that students with the best attendance make better progress, get better results and make friends more easily than those with poor attendance. We have found this is particularly true of pupils who have
attendance of 97% or better.
Read our attendance leaflet for more information.
We celebrate good attendance by rewarding the children either individually with certificates and prizes or in class or year groups. This is done every half term. Weekly, we hold an assembly to celebrate whose class attendance is the most positive and we educate the children on the importance of attending school – including safeguarding matters. The school implements a multi-agency approach to tackling poor attendance. Equally, attendance plans are extremely supportive. If you would like more information on this, please ask Mrs Hussain.
We have a whole school approach and will work with parents to improve attendance which is of concern. The first person who will discuss this with you is your child’s class teacher.
The attendance minibus is also available and maybe used as part of the supportive package the school offers. Further information can be obtained at the school office.
The senior leader (attendance officer) with responsibility for attendance is Mrs Hussain.