At Hollymount School, we say: “No To All Types of Bullying”
“The core values, at the heart of the school, contribute to a caring ethos of trust and respect.” Ofsted, 2017
We expect our children to consistently behave in a positive manner. Children must follow the school rules, which reflect our core values. We do not tolerate bullying of any kind and work hard to educate our children on this subject. We work with them to provide an understanding of what bullying is, how to identify it and how to deal with it.
The School Council and Peer Mentors work alongside teachers and Safeguarding Leads to support all children across the school. This support is on offer all of the time and the peer mentors help to educate all children about how to get along.
Quotes and feedback from Development Cycles and pupil questionnaires (Autumn 2022):
“I feel safe as I know my teacher will look after me and I have lots of friends.” (Year 1)
“Although I have never been bullied, I know that bullying is a bad thing and people hurt you lots so you have to tell the teacher or a friend if it happens.” (Year 2)
“The rules of school keep us safe and we need to be safe on the playground and this helps us in the community.” (Year 1)
“My teacher looks after all of us and I know how to stay safe online and outside of school.” (Year 5)
“My parents help me to stay safe – I’m not allowed out after a certain time as it can be dangerous!” (Year 5)
Please read our Anti Bullying Policy to find out more:
The children of Hollymount School worked hard during Anti-Bullying Week and have created a guide for all children and parents on how to stay safe and who to go to for support. Please take a look:
Parent and Carers
The Anti-Bullying Alliance offer plenty of support for parent and carers to help you support your children. Please click on the link below for further support or ask any of the staff who will be more than willing to help!
Parents and Carers (anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk)