
We warmly welcome all admissions to Hollymount School.

Reception Admissions

Applications for a place in Reception should be made through the local authority in which your child lives. For Worcestershire, follow the link School Admissions | Worcestershire County Council.

If you need any help with this, please contact the school office via email

Children are normally admitted in the September in the year in which they reach their fifth birthday. The Local Authority will admit children up to the school’s Pupil Admissions Number – 50 children.

  • When there are more applications than places, children are admitted in the order of priority according to Appendix A in the admission policy.

Nursery School Admissions

Our planned admission number for 3 – 4 year old Nursery is 39 places for each session. We run two sessions 8.45am – 11.45am; 12.15pm – 3.15pm. This covers the basic 15 hour offer which all children are eligible for the term after they are 3 years old. We also offer 30 hour places to families who are eligible for funding or for paid places. All places must be taken Monday – Friday.

Our planned admission number for 2 – 3 year old Nursery is 8 – 10 places for each session (dependent on children’s needs.)

We offer two sessions: 8.45am – 11.45 am; 12.15pm – 3.15pm. Unfortunately we do not have the facilities to offer full day sessions for children under 3 years old.

Follow this link to read about Our Nursery Offer.

Funding for childcare has changed. For more information on funding you will find the following sites useful:

Childcare Choices – the Government run website where you can access information which suits your family situation

Worcestershire County Council – information about funded childcare

Mrs Parry in our school office can also help, although childcare codes must be applied for by families, not through school. Please be aware there are deadlines each term for codes to be redeemed – school cannot change this deadline. Application forms for all Nursery places must be returned to the school office, along with your appropriate childcare code.

Other Main School Admissions including In-Year Admissions

Our planned admission number for each year group is 50

Hollymount School aims to educate every child holistically and follows the Code of Admissions where all places are allocated in an open and fair way.

We fulfil the government’s requirement to restrict Early Years and Key Stage 1 classes to a maximum of 30 and prefer to keep our numbers below this if possible.

Requests for admission to Reception made after the normal round of admissions, from 1 September, or for places in other year groups should be made directly to the local authority.

Pupils can readily be admitted if there are fewer children in the year group than the Pupil Admissions Number. Where the year group is full, a place may still be offered providing;

  • there is an education, health and welfare plan in place
  • the child is ‘looked after’ or ‘previously looked after’
  • no other applicants (other than those prioritised through EHW and CLA) have been refused places in the same year group – wherever they live
  • the child is living or moving into the school’s priority area (evidence will be required)
  • the admission will not breach the class size limit for infants

If a school place can not be offered, parents may appeal this decision by contacting the headteacher. Please see admissions policy for details of appeal processes.

Waiting Lists

Waiting lists for Academy, Foundation, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools, are maintained by the individual schools and parents will need to contact the school directly in order to be included. As an academy school Hollymount holds its own waiting list.

You should be aware that a school waiting list is an active document. As parents request for their children to be included on the list, the position of an individual child already on the list can change. A waiting list does not give priority based simply on the date an application was added to the list.

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