Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! There are two classes – 2LR taught by Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Ricketts and 2JT taught by Mr Tidy. Mrs Mandair, Mrs Gaskell, Mrs Evans and Mrs Martins also work with us.

Autumn Term

As Mathematicians this term we will be learning:

The value of each digit in a 3-digit number. How to use the formal written methods for addition and subtraction before then looking at how to apply this knowledge to problem solving.

As Writers this term:

We will be writing to entertain and inform by: developing descriptions with adjectives and adverbs. Using speech to develop characterisation. We will then begin using layout devices to organise non-fiction texts.

As Readers this term:

We will continue to develop our reading fluency as we read a range of chapter books and further develop our ability to provide reasoned predictions and inferences. We will also develop our understanding of summaries to bring together the important pieces of information from a text.

As Scientists this term:

We have already been learning about plants and the functions of the different parts of the plant. We have set up several investigations in our room to help us understand about roots, stems, flowers (and seed dispersal) and leaves.

Next we will be learning all about animals including humans. This will involve learning about our skeletons and muscles, as well as how humans stay healthy and survive. We will also be carrying out investigations and begin to draw conclusions from the data we collect.

This term we will;

In Geography we will focus on developing our map-reading skills with recognising some OS symbols; identifying physical and human features; recognising the stages of a river and focusing on the River Severn.  We will then compare the River Severn to the River Danube in Europe.

In History we will look at the role of archaeologists and how their work has helped us understand history.  We will explore how settlements have evolved over time from the Stone Age through to the end of the Iron Age and what life was like for hunter-gatherers. We will look at a range of different sources of information and learn how to interpret it.


Please help your children become familiar with these words:

Art: Tertiary colours, teal, violet, magenta, vermillion, amber, chartreuse, tones, tonal, more, less, effects, blending, wash, ‘bleeding’, detail, apply, layers

Science: skeleton, bones, muscles, contract, relax, joints, nutrition, nutrients,

Geography: settlements, rivers, contours, climate, human and physical features, compasses, Severn, Danube

River vocabulary : source, meander, tributaries, estuary, delta, floodplain, waterfall, mouth, bank,.  

Coast vocabulary:  beach, bay, cove, cliff, bay, headland, cave, natural arch, stack, wave cut platform  

Countries of Europe (linked to Danube): Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine

History: prehistoric, settlement, hill fort, hunter gather, nomadic, tool, flint, artefact, primary and secondary sources


In Year 3, we have P.E. on a Tuesday morning and on a Friday afternoon, so please make sure that your child’s P.E. kit is in school for these days. This term we will we doing dance on a Tuesday morning and handball on a Friday afternoon.


DEAR workshop – Friday 11th October

Parents Evenings – Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th October

Halloween Disco – 23rd October

Teacher Training Day – Friday 25th October

During our cooking and nutrition unit of DT, we prepared different vegetables and made some delicious soup. Have a look at some photos of what we did.

Useful Links

All the children in Year 3 have been given login details for TTRockstars. There is a weekly competition/tournament between the two classes to see who can score the most points. Help your children to learn their tables and increase their re-call of these crucial number facts and help your class to win housepoints!!

Useful Information

This term, we have PE lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Spellings will be given out every Friday and a spelling test will be taken the following Friday.