
All pupils in Reception to Year 6 are expected to wear full school uniform and their appearance should be appropriate to a school working environment. We expect children to look smart and to take pride in their appearance.

“The best thing about our school is the uniform!”  AA Y5

Make-up and jewellery are not allowed, but pupils may wear up to one plain stud earring in each ear. These should be removed for PE.

Hair should be smart and business-like. We ask that hairstyles do not feature shaved patterns and stay a natural colour. Long hair should be tied up with black, purple or white accessories.

Branded items of school uniform is available from the school office. We sell these at cost price or below. We can advise on alternative items where required.

Option A KS 2Optional B KS 2
 Blazer with school badge     £30 Blazer with school badge           £30
 White school shirt White school shirt
 Mid-grey school trousers                              Regulation plaid skirt  or grey trousers                                  £14
 school tie                                                                £4 school tie                                                                 £4
 Dark grey socks White socks or plain grey tights
 Plain black sensible shoes Plain black sensible shoes
Optional school jumper (with purple detail) £14
Boys Uniform KS 1 & ReceptionGirls Uniform KS 1 & Reception
 V-neck grey jumper with purple detail  £14  V-neck grey jumper with purple detail  £14
 White school shirt White school shirt
Mid-grey school trousers                              School plaid skirt/ kilt                                         £14
 school tie  (elastic option)                                          £4 school tie                                                            £4
 Dark grey socks White socks or plain grey tights
 Plain black sensible shoes Black sensible shoes
Nursery pupils have the option of purple sweat shirt (£8) available from school.
Boys PE kit to be kept in PE BagGirls PE Kit to be kept in PE Bag
 Purple T shirt with school logo Purple T shirt with school logo
 Black shorts Black shorts
 Whhite sports socks White sports socks
 Black or navy swimming trunks Black or navy swimming costume
 Swimming hat (if long hair) Swimming hat (if long hair)
 Trainers Trainers
 Football Boots
 Black training trousers Black training trousers
 School coat (with badge)  School coat (with badge)

Optional Summer Dress

A summer dress is available from school at £15. Purple checked dresses may also be available in local stores. Alternatively short-sleeve shirts can be worn with tailored shorts or skirts.

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